that‘s the point。如果禁枪派歪曲语法,那拥枪派则完全不懂语法,也不懂逻辑


送交者: ASH 于 2016-06-29, 11:56:37:

回答: 那是回应禁枪派歪曲语法的。 由 doublepar 于 2016-06-29, 08:12:24:

Self-congratulating rednecks can't even realize the ridiculousness of the cartoon. LOL.

"A well balanced breakfast being necessary to the start of a healthy day, the right of the people to keep and eat food shall not be infringed."

The Second Amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

Militia is made up of people, hence there is "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms";

Breakfast is made up of bacon, egg, etc, not people (unless you are cannibals, of course).

So a somewhat correct analogy should be:

"A well balanced breakfast, being necessary to the start of a healthy day, the right of the foodto keep and eat bacon shall not be infringed."


"A well trained cook, being necessary to the enjoyment of food, the right of the people to keep and use pans and pots shall not be infringed."



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