

送交者: 李继宏 于 2006-3-04, 19:07:27:

所有例句均出自近日在翻译的the name of action一书。

A.We cannot fully grasp the meaning of anything-a man’s life, for example-without understanding where it came from and how it turns out. The ways of happiness and meaning are not the same. To find happiness, you need only live in the moment; you need only live for the moment. To find meaning, you must inhabit the past, however dark, and live for the future, however uncertain. Thus life dangles happiness and meaning before us all, insisting only that we choose between them.

真正的翻译,在翻译过程中是不会查英汉词典的。国内所有的英汉词典都很蠢,尤其是陆谷孙主编的《英汉大词典》。按照词典释义翻译的后果是,译文越来越千人一面,越来越乏味,越来越面目可憎,而汉语中原有的丰富多彩、变化万端统统都不见了。比如在这里,我们把蓝色句子的骨干提出来,就是the ways are not the same。按照字典的翻译,那就是“道路是不一样的”。然而在汉语里面,我们形容道路不一样既可以说“南辕北辙”,也可以说“大相径庭”,还有许许多多其他说法。总而言之,翻译不能靠英汉词典。

B. For myself, I have always chosen meaning. Which, I suppose, is how I came to be waiting in the swelter and mob of Hoboken Harbor on Sunday, August 29, 1909, along with Dr. Abraham Brill, for the arrival of the Norddeutsche Lloyd steamship George Washington, bound from Bremen, carrying to our shores the one man in the world I wanted most to meet.


C. The only comparison anyone could think of was Haussman’s transformation of Paris a half century earlier. The difference was that in New York, there was no single mind behind it, no unifying plan, no restraining authority. Capital and speculation drove everything, releasing fantastic energies, distinctly American and individualistic.
人们记忆中堪与比拟的,是半个世纪前豪斯曼 在巴黎大兴土木的景象。迥异之处在于,纽约这种盛况背后没有个人的想法,没有整齐的规划,没有令出必行的当局。资本和投机推动一切,释放出的能量匪夷所思,纯然是美国式的和个人主义的。


D. The masculinity of it all was undeniable. On the ground, the implacable Manhattan grid, with its two hundred numbered east-west streets and twelve north-south avenues, gave the city a stamp of abstract, rectilinear order. Above this, in the immensity of the towering structures, with their peacock-like embellishment, it was all ambition, speculation, competition, domination, even lust-for height, size, and always money.

按照英汉词典翻译不但蠢,而且多数时候行不通。比如这里的immensity of the towering structures,如果照词典,翻出来肯定惨不忍睹。

E. You could see that he and Brill were genuine friends. Physically, they made a nice contrast. Both were short, but Brill’s pumpkin-like head looked like someone had brought a mallet down on it in his tender years, whereas Ferenczi’s zucchini-shaped face might have been caught between a pair of crashing cymbals at the same age.




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