Missed your Quality of Life question. here is my 2 cents:


送交者: 猎人 于 2012-01-13, 08:07:57:

回答: How can you get something quantitative 由 cornbug 于 2012-01-12, 23:03:10:

1 QoL studies are not solid science, look at them with reservation

2 They are the least useful outcome measurement becuse they are subjective.

3 people use them when the goal of care is to improve QoL instead of cure. Case of example: late stage cancer, palliative patient,

4, Or when there are no other measurable outcome out there, e.g. Pain management. You can not measure or quantify pain despite years of effort to do that.

5, Most commonly, QoL is used as a secondary outcome measurement.

6 Don't be temped to use QoL as the primary outcome measurement. This makes your work crappy. People would suppect this might be a backup of a failed study (failed to achieve primary goal)

7 Designing non-leading QoL study is critical. Better have someone help and/or have it validated.

Just my thought. Correct me if I am wrong.



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