

送交者: 短江学者 于 2008-07-11, 19:47:55:




It [clt] explains why many human characteristics follow the normal curve, as attributes such as height or weight can be thought of as a sort of “average”. If we think of human weight or height as being a “sort of mean” of many factors (such as heredity, diet, race, sex, many others) then the Central Limit Theorem would lead us to expect that such human characteristics will follow the normal distribution.


关于最大熵分布,依赖于给定的限制。From wiki:

Given mean and standard deviation: the normal distribution

The normal distribution N(μ,σ2) has maximum entropy among all real-valued distributions with specified mean μ and standard deviation σ. Therefore, if all you know about a distribution is its mean and standard deviation, it is often reasonable to assume that the distribution is normal.

Uniform and piecewise uniform distributions

The uniform distribution on the interval [a,b] is the maximum entropy distribution among all continuous distributions which are supported in the interval [a, b] (which means that the probability density is 0 outside of the interval).

The uniform distribution on the finite set {x1,...,xn} (which assigns a probability of 1/n to each of these values) is the maximum entropy distribution among all discrete distributions supported on this set.

Positive and given mean: the exponential distribution

The exponential distribution with mean 1/λ is the maximum entropy distribution among all continuous distributions supported in [0,∞) that have a mean of 1/λ.

In physics, this occurs when gravity acts on a gas that is kept at constant pressure and temperature: if X describes the height of a molecule, then the variable X is exponentially distributed (which also means that the density of the gas depends on height proportional to the exponential distribution). The reason: X is clearly positive and its mean, which corresponds to the average potential energy, is fixed. Over time, the system will attain its maximum entropy configuration, according to the second law of thermodynamics.



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