这个摘要有意思,不是本专业,试译了下, 多多指教:


送交者: cornbug 于 2007-01-02, 13:23:46:


作者:Pross A.。 Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, PO Box 643, Beer Sheva 84105, Israel. pross@bgumail.bgu.ac.il


从非生命到生命的驱动原理一直在争论。过去50年中建立起来的生命起源实验范例认为热力学的第二定律是驱动力。关于这点赞成的反对的各执牛耳。如果这个热动力驱动一直到到熵值再不增加的过程不是生命起源的驱动力,那是个什么过程呢?在此本中, 我们运用Eigen的生命演现“第一复制”模型来分析这个长期争论的问题, 并且提议一个另外的理论来探讨生命起源的驱动力。本理论的核心是生命是一种运动现象,它是由特定生物聚合系统的自动催化的运动产生的,而该理论在生命的每个阶段,从基本的到高级形式,都说的通。所有生命特征 - 复杂性,能量摄取和新陈代谢系统,可塑性,以及生命的数量和种类多样性都可用本理论解析。从化学方面来说,复制反应是一种运动控制的最终表述,热动力学在其中已演变成辅助作用 而不是直接的。这种分析的结果让我们提出一个化学的新支 - 复制化学。用该运动学方法分析得到的出奇结果是达尔文的自然选择原理:生物复制,因而演变,可被说得更广义:那就是一些可复制的东西会演变,因此可能出现生命。这广义公式似乎给出了个生命和非生命物质间的一个概念上的联系。

The driving force for life's emergence: kinetic and thermodynamic considerations.

* Pross A.

Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, PO Box 643,
Beer Sheva 84105, Israel. pross@bgumail.bgu.ac.il

The principles that govern the emergence of life from non-life remain a subject of intense debate. The evolutionary paradigm built up over the last 50 years, that argues that the evolutionary driving force is the Second Law of Thermodynamics, continues to be promoted by some, while severely criticized by others. If the thermodynamic drive toward ever-increasing entropy is not what drives the evolutionary process, then what does? In this paper, we analyse this long-standing question by building on Eigen's "replication first" model for life's emergence, and propose an alternative theoretical framework for understanding life's evolutionary driving force. Its essence is that life is a kinetic phenomenon that derives from the kinetic onsequences of autocatalysis operating on specific biopolymeric systems, and this is demonstrably true at all stages of life's evolution--from primal
to advanced life forms. Life's unique characteristics--its complexity, energy-gathering metabolic systems, teleonomic character, as well as its abundance and diversity, derive directly from the proposition that from a chemical perspective the replication reaction is an extreme expression of kinetic control, one in which thermodynamic requirements have evolved to play a supporting, rather than a directing, role. The analysis leads us to propose a new sub-division within chemistry--replicative chemistry. A striking consequence
of this kinetic approach is that Darwin's principle of natural selection: that living things replicate, and therefore evolve, may be phrased more generally: that certain replicating things can evolve, and may therefore become living. This more general formulation appears to provide a simple conceptual link between animate and inanimate matter.

J Theor Biol. 2003 Feb 7;220(3):393-406.

PMID: 12468287 [pubmed - indexed for medline]



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