

送交者: psychina 于 2010-02-05, 14:46:52:

回答: 举报信。请诸位修改、补充、润色。也请反方人士提出宝贵意见。 由 羽矢 于 2010-02-05, 13:34:15:



An Open Letter Concerning Xiao Procedure and Its Clinical Trials in US (Draft/Short)
We are a group of volunteers from New Threads website (xys.org) founded by Dr. Fang Zhouzi. Dr. Fang and New Threads have been dedicated to fighting against China's academic corruption, plagiarism, and fraud for a decade. Among hundreds of cases New Threads has been exposing is Dr. Xiao Chuanguo's academic misconduct and his questionable surgical procedure. We summarize as follows what New Threads, the lawyers and the news reporters have found about Dr. Xiao, his procedure and the clinical trials, so as to bring to the attention of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) who funds the clinical trials of the procedure in the United States, and the institutional review boards (IRBs) of the hospitals where the trials are currently undergoing, as well as patients who may be interested in or have already been recruited to the trials.
1. An independent investigation by pro bono lawyers has not been able to identify or confirm a single success case of Xiao Procedure. Instead, it recovered numerous cases with severe side effects.
2. Patients themselves eventually learned that no single case was cured by Xiao Procedure, by refering to each other who were hospitalized over the same period. Two patients have launched lawsuits against Shenyuan, and more will follow.
3. The only case of "complete success" at Shenyuan has turned out to be all the hype.
4. An official document carrying the 85% success rate was discovered to be totally a fake.
5. Members of an expert panel revealed the true story behind the initial evaluation of Xiao Procedure.
6. Top experts in China expressed their concerns over the lack of scientific basis of the procedure and the unethical practice without adequate and proper clinical trials.
7. Dr. Xiao has long been lying about or exaggerating his works.
8. The clinical trials in the U.S. are based on dubious information.
9. The outcomes of clinical trials outside of China so far have not been as "promising" as Beaumont claimed to the media.
10. Beaumont Hospitals propagated the myth of Xiao Procedure not only to media but also patients.
Based on the above-mentioned facts, we hereinafter provide our suggestion to the NIH, the IRBs and the releated hospitals, as well as to patients and media.
1. We suggest the NIH and the IRBs to review their decision on the initiation of U.S. trials by independently re-investigating
2. We urge the releated hospitals to terminate the trials. In stead of recruiting new patients, we suggest the hospitals to thoroughly examine the cases already done by themselves and Dr. Xiao. Considering "in China rigorous follow up is challenging" (see Beaumont's application to the NIH fund ), we particularly suggest Beaumont Hospitals to help Dr. Xiao do the follow-ups of his 90 U.S. patients rather than conducting further trials of its own.
3. We advice patients to think it over when considering to participate in the clinical trials or to go for the treatment in China. We encourage patients who already underwent the surgery to come forward just like patients in China, to tell what they fare, for the well-beings of themselves and of others. Meanwhile, we suggest the media to listen to patients instead of solely Dr. Xiao's saying and the hospitals' retailling.
Volunteers from New Threads
We send this letter to the NIH and IRBs through postal mail by our representative. Meanwhile, we send the letter trough email to the researchers and doctors that are involved, as well as the media who have reported related issues based on the misleading or false information provided by Dr. Xiao or the associated hospitals. We welcome the letter to be posted on the internet, especially where the misleading or false information appears, so as to prevent patients from being misled and cheated when they eagerly search the web for a cure.
We do not disclose our identities to the public, in order to protect us from potiential revenge from Dr. Xiao, who declared his "life goals are welldoing, money and revenge" in his recent talk in Tsinghua University. Dr. Xiao has explicitly threatened some of us in various occasions before, and more recently, asserted in one of his internet posts that "I would not hesitate to avenge Fan Zhouzi in the most treacherous way".
We make this letter and the enclosed documents publicly available at:
For public and media inquiries, please send your email to:
or leave your comment on our blog at:
1. List of reports on New Threads and Fang Zhouzi, from English media
2. The Lie Detector. South China Morning Post. Jan 31, 2010
3. Reports from lawyers, media and New Threads, English translation
3.1 Who will evaluate Xiao Chuanguo? Science News. Oct 28, 2009
3.2 An investigation of Xiao's Reflex Arc Procedure. China News Weekly. Nov 11, 2009
3.3 The lawsuit has struck a nerve. China News Weekly. Nov 11, 2009
3.4 "Artificial Reflex Arc", Who can explain it? China News Weekly. Nov 11, 2009
3.5 The cure rate of "Xiao Procedure": 85% or 0%? Science News. Nov 23, 2009
3.6 "Xiao Procedure": Patient follow-ups shock volunteers. Science News. Nov 23, 2009
3.7 An investigation of Shenyuan Hospital. Beijing Sci-Tech Weekly. Dec 08, 2009
3.8 How Xiao Procedure Trials Started in US. (to be finished and posted on New Threads ...)



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