

送交者: 平娃 于 2008-05-29, 02:52:20:


看到bluesea的帖子“莎郎史通的话与国内媒体说的有明显的区别” (XYS20080528) 后,特意去网上查对了莎郎史通的原话,发现在“报应”这一点上,人们并没有冤枉她。YouTube上有这次采访的录像(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRqJBic2jM4) ,她说的话是这样的:

记者问:( 听不太清楚,大概是)“[have you hear about the]…earthquake in China?”(“[你听说关于]中国地震 [的消息了]吗?”)


“Of course I have. Well, you know, it was every interesting, because at first I’m, you know, not happy about the way the Chinese are treating the Tibetans, because I don’t think anyone should be unkind to anyone else. And so I’ve have been very concerned about how to think, and what to do about that, because I don’t…like…that. And then I’ve been just, you know, concerned about, oh, how should we deal with the Olympics, because they’re not being nice to the Dalai Lama, who’s a good friend of mine. And then all this earthquake and all this stuff happened and I thought ‘Is that Karma, when you’re not nice that the bad things happen to you?’

“And then I got a letter from the Tibetan Foundation, that they wanted to go and be helpful. And that made me cry. And they asked me if I would write a quote about that, and I said I would, that it was a big lesson to me. That sometimes you have to learn to put your head down and be of service, even to people who aren’t nice to you. And that’s a big lesson for me.”




由此可见,莎郎史通的“有趣”,指的并不是地震这件事,而是在她看来,中国人对西藏人那么不好,而西藏组织却还要帮助救灾,这种在她看来是“以德报怨”的行为,把她给感动得哭了。她在思想上接受了一次教育,从“以怨报怨” 到“以德报怨” 。她认为这是很有趣的一件事。




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