My story:我的故事


送交者: alabama 于 2012-04-11, 09:44:04:

Prelude: 都啥年代了,谁会为了点破钱杀人- Winnie.

I cannot convince myself that Gu would murder Heywood because of business dispute. What kind of business can they have? However, I do believe a 50+ years old woman can do anything to protect her son, not to mention her only son. 梅子, 湘女don't you agree? To a 50+ years old woman, her son is the pearl in her crown, isn't it?

Please take look at Mr. Heywood's picture. Do you see gay in him? If you don't, you have not lived in the West for long.

Over the time, Mr. Heywood seduced Bo Guagua. The two fell in love. This affair caused Guagua's deteriorated school performance. His mother eventually realized this. She tried her best to stop the two. She had Guagua transferred to the US. But she found Guagua still kept in touch with Mr. Heywood. She was mad. She approached Heywood directly, and even threatened him. But to Mr. Heywood, the mother's intervene was ridiculous. In his belief, love is between two individuals, man or woman. No one else should block or break such relationship.

Finally the mother was convinced that this relationship would ruin her only beloved son (though in Chinese perspective). And the only way to stop this relationship is to "put Heywood away for good". She did it.

The entire plotting is orchestrated by Gu Kailai. Mr. Bo Xilai only vaguely suspected his wife's involvement.
Mr. Wang Lijun was assigned to Heywood case. Knowing the victim was Bo family's close friend, Mr. Wang worked very hard on the case. He took it personally as he had always been grateful to his boss Mr. Bo. He wanted to impress Bo. But as the investigation went, more and more clues pointed to Bo's wife. One may imagine that the crime was executed in an imperfect and amateur way, leaving dozens of evidences. Fearing the consequence, several of Mr. Wang's associates quit. Mr. Wang thought of quitting too. He also thought of sealing the case to protect his boss. However he knew he couldn't. He knew he was not the only one on the case - what about those who quitted.

Mr. Wang struggled in agony for quite a while before he finally consulted his boss Mr. Bo for a way out. As things turned out, Mr. Bo was an arrogant bastard. He did not give Mr. Wang a chance to tell the whole story, including critical information such as how many evidences are there? How indisputable these evidences are, etc?. To him Mr. Wang is merely a running dog who shouldn't have even brought this matter to him. He thought he could end the investigation simply by removing Mr. Wang and arresting anyone who had access to the evidences or on the case. Mr. Bo made a fatal mistake! He underestimated the amounting evidence. He even failed to discuss the matter in details with his wife before bursting out.

In the immediate following days after losing his office, Mr. Wang still hoped things would stop there. His new job may not be the one he loved best but it is OK. However, he quickly realized he was wrong. His former associates started to disappear. He found himself being followed and under surveillances. Mr. Bo may have realized severity of the situation after talking with his wife. He obviously stepped up further evidence/witness destroying measures. Mr. Wang started to feel great danger - if they can kill one they can kill more. He entered US consulate, where he handed a copy of evidence to the US personel, which laterly prompted British government's request for re-opening of Mr. Heywood's case.

Mr. Wang had no idea about his fate when leaving the consulate, but he made sure that he will not die silently in history and he will not die with indignity. After all, a man's greatest concern when facing death is his afterworld dignity.

Gu Kailai's final word to her son, as passed though her relatives, was: "Be good. Live a quiet and peaceful life. Have a family. Stay away from China. Mom loves you".

Twenty-five years later somewhere in California.

Guagua finally walked out of the shadow of his family catastrophe. He accepted that his mom killed someone because business dispute, and of course should face justice. Nevertheless, he followed his mother's wish. He married an American girl. They have two lovely daughters. They have sufficient money to live a peaceful and yet reclusive life. Recently he found his elder teenager daughter Gloria spent a lot of time together with some other girls. Her school performance is deteriorating. Last night, he entered Gloria's room accidenctally. He saw Gloria with a blonde girl lying in bed half naked. There were syringes on the floor.

Guagua rushed back to his room. He subconsciously opened the cabinet to reach his revolver. An old picture dropped on the floor.

It is his mom, young, beautiful and elegant.

Guagua freezed. He felt such heartbreaking pain that he had never experienced before. The picture became blurry, blurry and blurry. He saw a figure walking out of that old picture. It was a lonely and weak old woman. It was丁子霖! It was himself following her…….

That exactly is:

纷纷世事无穷尽 天数茫茫不可逃



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