If you want to make a point, you at least be serious


送交者: skipper3 于 2006-3-16, 12:27:35:

回答: Low-Income Students Won't Pay at Stanford 由 tool2004 于 2006-3-16, 11:39:57:

Undertand what the issue is before making claim.

THe problem they want to address is NOT poor student can't afford Stanford, but "Students from low-income backgrounds are underrepresented at our nation's most selective institutions".

$45k family income is slightly lower than average family income in the US(it is even closer to the medium family income), yet there are only 1100 students from these families who can study in Stanford (5%? of total students). Now the average annual family income in China is probably around RMB30K. How many students in BD and QH are from families whose income is below that line? I would say much higher than 5%, probably around 20-40%. So as you can see, "Students from low-income backgrounds are underrepresented at our nation's most selective institutions" is not as serious a problem for BD and QH. Sicne the proiblem is different, you need a different solution.

Your "...were fed by the blood of every peasents and factory worker from the poorest area" cheapshot BS. These schools are funded by tax money from rich industrialized regions not from poor regions. Poor region doesn't make positive contribution to government tax revenue.



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