The reason I want to see Chen punished is:


送交者: 吴礼 于 2006-3-08, 19:02:10:

回答: My conclusion on the discussion of Chen's faking 由 skipper3 于 2006-3-08, 18:03:39:

This is a form of forgery very difficult to detect. The usually examinations and reviews are designed under the assumption that the company is honest about what they actually do. We can say that Chen’s act was discovered by accident (maybe he pissed off someone in his team).
So if someone decides to do it again, his risk is low. If his potential punishment is not very, very high, his expectation value of the cost would lower than his cost of doing everything honestly. So, naturally he will commit the forgery again and the current system will break down.
Without a good way to increase the detestability of such offenses, the only thing we can do is increase the punishment. For those who are caught, it doesn’t seem fair. But on average, it is fair.
Of course, all above is based on the assumption that Chen did commit the forgery that he is accused of, and that such act is unacceptable in the current system.
I would agree with you that morally this is not a severe crime, probably like speeding or running red lights.



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