Steven, here is my interpretation, giving enough benefit of doubt


送交者: PhonyDoctorPhD 于 2007-01-05, 21:34:18:

回答: to 揍汉奸: please read it carefully. 由 steven 于 2007-01-05, 21:20:12:

I think, one posibility is that the jet charged from
behind, out run the propeller bomber, easily believable.
The jet perhaps fire but miss, in the process, also

Then, the jet tries to turn around for a 2nd shot,
bomber gunners sees the jet turning in front,
shoot the gust out of it in front, and luck has it that
it hits the jet while turning.

The jet pilot perhaps is being too arrogant, otherwise
he could have avoided turning in front.

For one thing, I don't think that jet is thinking
it is in a dog fight with the slow moving vehicle :)
no way. So I don't think there is any dog fight here.

It is just luck, arrogant part of the enemy. Kind of
like in novel Duan Yu the guy hit the fatel Lian Men
trying save he lover Ms Huang Yuyan :D



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