I said that all along, the description in the article couldn't have been true.


送交者: steven 于 2007-01-06, 01:52:10:

回答: 另外一点 由 揍汉奸 于 2007-01-06, 00:39:55:

Regarding the dogfight between La-9/11 and Sabres. I didn't look into that incident until now, and I didn't have opinion before that. I only pointed out that the authors of the article didn't know dogfight and there were factual errors. If I want to be more critical, look at
卫转业 连俊涛 牛锐利 说道:

how in the world, 7 Sabres encircled La-9/11? Airplanes are not like tanks on the ground, what did they mean by 包围? It didn't even make sense.



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