C/Unix是后来的发展? 你又在胡说八道乐


送交者: 炎阳 于 2006-2-20, 17:44:55:

回答: 有你这么说的吗? 由 xinku 于 2006-2-20, 17:32:06:

"1969年,为支持石油勘探事业,北京大学承接了研制百万次集成电路数字电子计算机的任务....1978年,即150机研制成功后的第 5年" --- 从杨老太这端自述,可知她那XCY及操作系统研制于1969年-1973年之间。

再看看 C/UNIX 何时开发:
"C was developed at Bell Laboratories in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie. Many of its principles and ideas were taken from the earlier language B and B's earlier ancestors BCPL and CPL. CPL ( Combined Programming Language ) was developed with the purpose of creating a language that was capable of both high level, machine independent programming and would still allow the programmer to control the behavior of individual bits of information. The one major drawback of CPL was that it was too large for use in many applications. In 1967, BCPL ( Basic CPL ) was created as a scaled down version of CPL while still retaining its basic features. In 1970, Ken Thompson, while working at Bell Labs, took this process further by developing the B language. B was a scaled down version of BCPL written specifically for use in systems programming. Finally in 1972, a co-worker of Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, returned some of the generality found in BCPL to the B language in the process of developing the language we now know as C."

可见,C/UNIX大约在1972年开发出来。所以,杨老太的XCY O/S 与C/UNIX可一说是同时开发。可如今C/UNIX是什么局面,杨老太的XCY O/S在哪儿?相差十万八千里么!

与同时开发的C/UNIX比,她那XCY O/S不是垃圾是什么?



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