

送交者: ffffff 于 October 11, 2003 05:32:22:

回答: 美国顶尖大学获诺贝尔奖数目(以获奖时所在单位为准) (10/6/2003) 由 ffffff 于 October 11, 2003 05:31:32:

送交者: wzwzwz


Base on Nobel Prize Museum In Stockholm (see http://www.nobel.se/search/universities.html), the following universities have had more than 10 laureates from their faculty:

1. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA (24名)
1946, Physics, Percy W. Bridgman
1952, Physics, E. M. Purcell
1965, Physics, Julian Schwinger
1977, Physics, John H. van Vleck
1979, Physics, Steven Weinberg
1981, Physics, Nicolaas Bloembergen
1989, Physics, Norman F. Ramsey
1914, Chemistry, Theodore W. Richards
1965, Chemistry, Robert B. Woodward
1976, Chemistry, William Lipscomb
1986, Chemistry, Dudley R. Herschbach
1990, Chemistry, Elias James Corey
1934, Physiology or Medicine, William P. Murphy
1934, Physiology or Medicine, George R. Minot
1961, Physiology or Medicine, Georg von Békésy
1962, Physiology or Medicine, James Watson
1964, Physiology or Medicine, Konrad Bloch
1967, Physiology or Medicine, George Wald
1971, Economic Sciences, Simon Kuznets
1972, Economic Sciences, Kenneth J. Arrow
1973, Economic Sciences, Wassily Leontief
Harvard University, Biological Laboratories, Cambridge, MA, USA
1980, Chemistry, Walter Gilbert
Harvard University, Lyman Laboratory, Cambridge, MA, USA
1979, Physics, Sheldon Glashow
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
1953, Physiology or Medicine, Fritz Lipmann

2. Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA (16名)
1952, Physics, Felix Bloch
1955, Physics, Willis E. Lamb
1961, Physics, Robert Hofstadter
1981, Physics, Arthur L. Schawlow
1990, Physics, Richard E. Taylor
1995, Physics, Martin L. Perl
1996, Physics, Douglas D. Osheroff
1997, Physics, Steven Chu
1998, Physics, Robert B. Laughlin
1974, Chemistry, Paul J. Flory
1980, Chemistry, Paul Berg
1983, Chemistry, Henry Taube
1959, Physiology or Medicine, Arthur Kornberg
1990, Economic Sciences, William F. Sharpe
2001, Economic Sciences, A. Michael Spence
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, Stanford, CA, USA
1976, Physics, Burton Richter

3. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA (15名)
1923, Physics, Robert A. Millikan
1936, Physics, Carl D. Anderson
1961, Physics, Rudolf Mössbauer
1965, Physics, Richard P. Feynman
1969, Physics, Murray Gell-Mann
1983, Physics, William A. Fowler
1954, Chemistry, Linus Pauling
1992, Chemistry, Rudolph A. Marcus
1999, Chemistry, Ahmed Zewail
1933, Physiology or Medicine, Thomas H. Morgan
1958, Physiology or Medicine, George Beadle
1969, Physiology or Medicine, Max Delbrück
1981, Physiology or Medicine, Roger W. Sperry
1995, Physiology or Medicine, Edward B. Lewis
1962, Peace, Linus Pauling

3. Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA (15名)
1964, Physics, Charles H. Townes
1976, Physics, Samuel C. C. Ting
1990, Physics, Jerome I. Friedman
1990, Physics, Henry W. Kendall
1994, Physics, Clifford G. Shull
2001, Physics, Wolfgang Ketterle
1995, Chemistry, Mario J. Molina
1969, Physiology or Medicine, Salvador E. Luria
1975, Physiology or Medicine, David Baltimore
1987, Physiology or Medicine, Susumu Tonegawa
2002, Physiology or Medicine, H. Robert Horvitz
1970, Economic Sciences, Paul A. Samuelson
1985, Economic Sciences, Franco Modigliani
1987, Economic Sciences, Robert M. Solow
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Center for Cancer Research, Cambridge, MA, USA
1993, Physiology or Medicine, Phillip A. Sharp

3. Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, Princeton, NJ, USA (15名)
1946, Chemistry, Wendell M. Stanley
1946, Chemistry, John H. Northrop
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York, NY, USA
1912, Physiology or Medicine, Alexis Carrel
1930, Physiology or Medicine, Karl Landsteiner
1944, Physiology or Medicine, Herbert S. Gasser
1958, Physiology or Medicine, Edward Tatum
Rockefeller University, New York, NY, USA
1972, Chemistry, William H. Stein
1972, Chemistry, Stanford Moore
1984, Chemistry, Bruce Merrifield
1966, Physiology or Medicine, Peyton Rous
1967, Physiology or Medicine, Haldan K. Hartline
1972, Physiology or Medicine, Gerald M. Edelman
1974, Physiology or Medicine, Christian de Duve
1999, Physiology or Medicine, Günter Blobel
2000, Physiology or Medicine, Paul Greengard

4. University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA (14名)
1939, Physics, Ernest Lawrence
1959, Physics, Owen Chamberlain
1959, Physics, Emilio Segrè
1960, Physics, Donald A. Glaser
1968, Physics, Luis Alvarez
1949, Chemistry, William F. Giauque
1951, Chemistry, Edwin M. McMillan
1951, Chemistry, Glenn T. Seaborg
1961, Chemistry, Melvin Calvin
1986, Chemistry, Yuan T. Lee
1983, Economic Sciences, Gerard Debreu
1994, Economic Sciences, John C. Harsanyi
2000, Economic Sciences, Daniel L. McFadden
2001, Economic Sciences, George A. Akerlof

4. University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA (14名)
1907, Physics, Albert A. Michelson
1927, Physics, Arthur H. Compton
1980, Physics, James Cronin
1983, Physics, Subramanyan Chandrasekhar
1966, Chemistry, Robert S. Mulliken
1976, Economic Sciences, Milton Friedman
1979, Economic Sciences, Theodore W. Schultz
1982, Economic Sciences, George J. Stigler
1990, Economic Sciences, Merton H. Miller
1991, Economic Sciences, Ronald H. Coase
1992, Economic Sciences, Gary S. Becker
1993, Economic Sciences, Robert W. Fogel
1995, Economic Sciences, Robert E. Lucas Jr.
2000, Economic Sciences, James J. Heckman

5. Columbia University, New York, NY, USA (13名)
1944, Physics, Isidor Isaac Rabi
1949, Physics, Hideki Yukawa
1955, Physics, Polykarp Kusch
1957, Physics, Tsung-Dao Lee
1975, Physics, James Rainwater
1998, Physics, Horst L. Störmer
1934, Chemistry, Harold C. Urey
1956, Physiology or Medicine, Dickinson W. Richards
2000, Physiology or Medicine, Eric R. Kandel
1996, Economic Sciences, William Vickrey
1999, Economic Sciences, Robert A. Mundell
2001, Economic Sciences, Joseph E. Stiglitz
Columbia University Division, Cardio-Pulmonary Laboratory, Bellevue Hospital, New York, NY, USA
1956, Physiology or Medicine, André F. Cournand

6. Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA (10名)
1945, Physics, Wolfgang Pauli
1963, Physics, Eugene Wigner
1980, Physics, Val Fitch
1993, Physics, Russell A. Hulse
1993, Physics, Joseph H. Taylor Jr.
1998, Physics, Daniel C. Tsui
1995, Physiology or Medicine, Eric F. Wieschaus
1979, Economic Sciences, Sir Arthur Lewis
1994, Economic Sciences, John F. Nash Jr.
2002, Economic Sciences, Daniel Kahneman



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