Most of the people without musical background think this way,


送交者: steven 于 2011-06-14, 18:09:41:

回答: 钢琴协奏曲不是从《黄河大合唱》改编出来的嘛。 由 Xinyu 于 2011-06-14, 17:56:21:

but not musicians. Usually people associate music by the lyrical part of it. But music is a lot more than that, the orchestration, instrumentation, the chords, the voicing are all intrigue parts of a piece of music. The piano concerto takes part of the theme from the cantata, but it is not the cantata. I don't think Takemitsu was referring the lyrics or the background of the music. After all, it wasn't that good anyway. You don't hear it get play a lot.



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