

送交者: oztiger 于 2010-08-20, 00:45:02:


But for Professor Frazer and Zhou's widow, Xiao-Yi Sun, the service will be bittersweet. In the cruellest of ironies, Zhou had invested what turned out to be his last hope not in medical science, but in traditional Chinese medicine.

Frazer, speaking for the first time in detail about Zhou's death, said he had urged him to see a doctor. But, as his condition deteriorated, Zhou apparently resolved to turn his back on western medicine.

"He went back to China in the belief that maybe his problem could be sorted out by going to (traditional) Chinese doctors," Frazer recalled yesterday.

No one could talk him out of it. "He had obviously been to see a doctor (in Brisbane) and I don't know what ... went on," Frazer said. "Jian was the sort of person that ... once he made up his mind, that was it. He made it very clear to me that going to China was the best thing to do."

周建和Ian Frazer一起研发子宫颈癌疫苗,这是一定会拿诺贝尔奖的工作,死在中医思维上实在是太可惜了。



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