在这里向版主打个小报告 :)


送交者: 美女 于 2010-09-30, 22:07:32:

回答: 值得重视的是他们胆敢说不相信肖买凶。这是不看事实的道德问题。 由 短江学者 于 2010-09-30, 21:23:49:

下面JFF几次建议打人。I don't know what his motivation is, but language like that is hugely inappropriate, especially in light of the recent violence committed against Dr. Fang and the journalist Mr. Fang. Of course many chinese forums are full of such language and often even viler, but that just speak for itself.

Oh, he also likes to correlate brain and breast size, but no one should be offended by that. That's because both measurements are self-evident, visually and intellectually, and he has been very revealing.



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