Right, I've no idea


送交者: eng 于 2008-12-24, 01:02:23:

回答: GPS军用和民用的一模一样。以前民用GPS加了干扰以减低精确度 由 steven 于 2008-12-24, 00:12:48:

only because i'm not a US citizen.

You are talking about protocol design. I'm talking about complete working implementation. There are many places you will find the info that the first complete implementation of TCP/IP was on BSD 4.2 and later Berkeley sockets become a standard.


TCP/IP as a standard was no secret. RFCs are open community standards. Many projects are not in the public domain does not mean all projects are 军用项目. The fact is that TCP/IP was designed for the Internet, just *just* the military network and then *happened* to be used for the Internet. No matter how it was founded, I found it hard to qualify that as a 军用项目.



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