Don't be lead by your own imagination and carried away by fantasies


送交者: Wood 于 2008-03-29, 08:19:55:

回答: 如果这样理解,你以为如何? 由 Palmetto 于 2008-03-29, 07:26:45:

The word "Draught", here could be understood in its figuratively meaning:

"The ‘drinking in’ of something by the mind or soul, a portion of something, pleasurable or painful, ‘drunk’, partaken of, or experienced." (Oxford English Dictionary)

1560 BECON New Catech. Wks. (1844) 295 Take him with the hand of thy heart, and chiefly drink him with the draught of thy inward man.

1750 JOHNSON Rambler No. 72 1 Make the draught of life sweet or bitter.

1827 POLLOK Course T. IX, Quaffing deep draughts of love.

1878 GEO. ELIOT Coll. Breakf. P. 357 Ecstatic whirl And draught intense of passionate joy and pain.



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