As I knew:


送交者: Supporter 于 2008-02-17, 20:21:35:

回答: 请问白衣咸饭有关巴氏涂片方法在国内的应用现状 由 JFF 于 2008-02-17, 11:06:37:

This "美国人改进了巴氏染色的评价方法" was first intruduced into China by professor Liu (a gynecological pathologist in Beijing) in 1999 in a review paper after she finished her visiting scholarship in USA, the first training course was held in Xingling Hotel, near Xiang Shan, Beijing, in late 2000 or early 2001, at that time and for the following 2-3 years, all such slides needed to be sent to Hongkong for diagnosis by 电子计算机图像识别系统. A such system costed about RMB 1.5 million at that time. I was very familar with this thing (including the related persons and company) when I was in China, but I don't how it is going on now.



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