Bullshit. 华裔爱把钱放在房子上,收入税减了房产税补严重打击华裔


送交者: ASH 于 2008-09-07, 11:01:57:

回答: My 2 cents on 民主党背离华裔的利益 由 ylight 于 2008-09-07, 10:30:29:

应该鼓励我们的孩子们多努力参与政治,比如加入80-20 Initiative。 不能指望象(共和党的)赵小兰靠嫁人发迹。

See why 80-20 Initiative endorsed Obama:

Why Obama? For two reasons.

First, Sen. Obama committed unequivocally to give Asian Americans equal opportunity, while Sen. McCain did not. See Sen. Obama's signed commitment below: http://www.80-20.us/data/obama.zip

Second, Sen. Obama's party did more deeds for Asian Americans in the last 4 years. On Oct. 25, 2006, the Chair of the Democratic National Committee, Howard Dean, wrote to the President of 80-20, promising to work with 80-20 to encourage Congress to hold a public hearing on the glass ceiling over Asian Americans in workplaces. After the Democrats gained control of the House and the Senate, the legislation sponsored by Congressman David Wu (D), was finally passed by Congress, giving underserved Asian American students the same educational assistance long available to other minority groups -- a historic first. Democrats sponsored immigration bills favoring family reunion, and legislations with stiff penalty for hate crimes. All of the above areas are important to the Asian American community.



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