you are arguments are poor, are not like 耍赖


送交者: sohu 于 2008-09-07, 15:38:57:

回答: sohu的意思是: 由 janz 于 2008-09-07, 15:13:53:

you understood wrongly. they are all good examples.

obama,总是要显示出他比别人懂得多. 总统懂得多少和总统的能力其实不重要,最重要的是让人们感到安心.实际上总统候选人根本不应该比普通人懂得更多.
you understood wrongly again. many are confortable for be sheeps,but others value independant thoughts more.


if you think she is a 白痴, you are from a different planet.

science has no answer for that, that is a fact. will you deny it? it has nothing to do with 神创论. it is a reality to answer the question about whether abortion is intentional killing of life. although i think abortion should be allowed under certain conditions.



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