建立饺子皮+饺子馅结构成分的精确模型,力求严肃认真 etc


送交者: Wood 于 2008-06-17, 11:34:17:


set up simple standards (below is only a rough guide line) is important.

饺子馅 = minced lean pork + pork far + water + Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) leaves

weigh and determine accurate chemical compositions of all ingredients

establish individual identification profiles for all ingredients (using analytical methods is highly recommended here, e.g. HPLC, CE, MS etc)

always use ingredients from the same source (e.g. anatomically equivalent lean pork, produced from pigs of certain breads, at a certain age; the pigs are raised, slaughtered, and processed under the same conditions etc)

The same should be applied to 饺子皮. 饺子皮 = wheat flour + water.

2. Set up standard 包饺子 practice, with emphasis on procedures and instrumentations

3. After 包饺子, immediately cover a 饺子 with glycerol, freeze by immersion in liquid nitrogen, kept at -80 C for storage.

4. Cut frozen 饺子, under strictly control conditions, into ultra-thin slices.

5. Bombard the ultra-thin 饺子 with nano carbon particles, using MS to establish a 3-D map of ingredients clusters for a particular 饺子, need to describe the 3-D distributions and sizes of individual gradients in both 饺子皮+饺子馅 (such as lean pork, pork fat, chives leaves, water, air, etc)



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