Don't bullshit all the way, but still expect others to respect your ignorance.


送交者: steven 于 2007-07-06, 20:58:52:

回答: 为什么说数学没有用? 由 eddie 于 2007-07-06, 19:39:06:

"计算机领域里没有完全的不可逆过程"? Let say for all the sets of integers, I can easily construct a set contains a particular number n, now, the reverse part, given a particular set S, tell me if S contains n. You can have all the computing power you can dream of, show to the world how you can do it.

You know about factorization is a hard problem, but there are tones of many other even harder problem, like any NP complete problem, (well for sure you don't even know what I am talking about, but let us continue), why not use a even harder problem? Do you really understand RSA? I bet not. Also, have you ever heard of Elliptic curve cryptography? Even you have a fast factorization algorithm, it doesn't mean you can break Elliptic curve crypto-scheme.

"现今这个密码技术的可靠性问题基本上和数论或数学理论无关,它完全取决于计算资源的大小和计算方法的效率. 一旦后者提高到可以迅速分解大数的程度,这个技术立即土崩瓦解,再有多少绝顶聪明的数学家也不计于事。"

Given you all the computing power you can dream of, or better, you can't even dream of, see if you can break one-time pad. (again, you don't know what I am talking about either, otherwise, you would have never make such ridiculous claim)

If you are old enough, you should know jumping into an unfamiliar field, and pretend to be a wizard who knows everything will only make a fool out of yourself. But then, looks like you don't even know you are so ignorant about some basic facts. This doesn't help your argument at all.



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