Benefits of Strength Training


送交者: HunHunSheng 于 2007-06-05, 12:10:51:

回答: Benefits 由 HunHunSheng 于 2007-06-05, 11:57:35:

著名科普作家方舟子也出过一本叫科学成就健康的书里面极力推荐用weight lifting的方法来预防骨质疏松

Benefits of Strength Training

Longfellow is on a mission. We have committed the next ten years to educate our community to the value and immense benefits of strength training. There are numerous reasons for incorporating strength training into your workout and the top ten are:

1. Increased Metabolic Rate - Strength training increases the body's metabolic rate, causing the body to burn more calories throughout the day.

2. Increasing and Restoring Bone Density - Inactivity and aging can lead to a decrease in bone density and brittleness. Studies have clearly proven that consistent strength training can increase bone density and prevent Osteoporosis.

3. Increased Lean Muscle Mass and Muscle Strength, Power, and Endurance - Everyone can benefit from being stronger. We can work harder, we can play more, we can workout longer, and we can be more alive.

4. Injury Prevention - A wide variety of sports-related or life-related injuries can be prevented by strengthening muscles and joints.

5. Improved Balance, Flexibility, Mobility and Stability - Stronger and more resilient muscles improves our balance, which means more comfortable living & fewer falls or accidents.

6. Decreased Risk of Coronary Disease - Participation in a consistent strength-training program has a wide variety of affiliated health benefits including decreasing cholesterol and lowering your blood pressure.

7. Aids Rehabilitation and Recovery - One of the best ways to heal many types of injuries is to strengthen muscles surrounding the injured area. The stronger your muscles, the quicker the healing process.

8. Enhanced Performance in Sports or Exercise - No matter what your favorite sport or physical activity, with the proper strength training program, your performance can unquestionably be improved, and in some cases dramatically so.

9. Aging Gracefully - There is no more important reason to making a strength training a consistent part of your life, than to ensure you age gracefully. Physical activity keeps us alive and vibrant. Strength training ensures we are strong enough to participate in aerobic activities, outdoor recreation, and sports. Strong seniors fall down less. If they do fall down, their stronger bodies are more resilient, are injured less by the fall, and are able to heal more quickly after an injury.

10. Feeling Better and Looking Better - As painful as strength training can sometimes feel, there is nothing more satisfying than the feeling after a good solid work-out. Stronger muscles and joints can have a dramatic impact on posture and leaner toned muscles tend to make everyone feel better about their appearance. This all leads to improved self-esteem and increased self-confidence.

These benefits are so compelling and we are so convinced that this exercise is necessary for all people that we have made it our number one focus and we have put our time and expertise where our mouth is. Our marketing campaign and our staff training programs emphasize this necessary component of a healthy life-style.



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