

送交者: Rodger 于 2007-05-31, 21:07:32:

最近参加了一个讨论组,业余时间合伙翻译Richard Dawkins的The God Delusion。翻译过程中有一句话我吃不准意思,希望大家指教。我把上下文一起贴在下面:
He seems to be quoting Luther as he nailed his theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg, but poor Kurt Wise reminds me more of Winston Smith in 1984 - struggling desperately to believe that two plus two equals five if Big Brother says it does. Winston,
however, was being tortured. Wise's doublethink comes not from the imperative of physical torture but from the imperative - apparently just as undeniable to some people - of religious faith: arguably a form of mental torture. I am hostile to religion because of what it did to Kurt Wise. And if it did that to a Harvardeducated geologist, just think what it can do to others less gifted and less well armed.

我吃不准的是这句:apparently just as undeniable to some people。这里some people是指的哪些人?undeniable的是什么?先谢了。



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