1) I agree with you it is a crime for the students to kill the thieves


送交者: 008 于 2007-03-20, 12:09:11:

回答: 学生打死小偷就是犯罪 由 sofar 于 2007-03-20, 08:47:57:

2)if you can, shoot at the burglar if he pulls a knife at you, worry about the 陪审团律师 later
3)if you beat a 小偷, you are not trying to kill him, and you won't know if he is 无还手之力, and you certainly won't know if you next blow will take his life. Most of the people don't have the experience of killing.
4)I don't think anything will happen to the students who have, supposedly, conducted manslaughter
5)It is not the students' fault because they were never taught what is correct what is wrong.
6)a police will shoot at him, even in public, if he pulls out a weapon. "Nobody has right to take other people’s life." that's right, but what if killing him to protect other people's lives?



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