please be respectful and generous


送交者: xysreader88 于 2007-11-27, 09:21:47:

回答: 就你这德性,也配吵架? 由 方舟子 于 2007-11-27, 05:32:20:

It is a little bit shock to see Mr. Fang to become more and more irrational with respect to others opinion and achievement.

1. It is hard for me to see you speaking this way to 松鼠. He has always been a good netzen and your way of treating him is unrespectful. When argueing with an opponent, one should at least keep his composure and do not attack in a personal way. It does not help with the arguement.
1. Ms. Yu has done a fantastic job and as a first author, she of course is free to express the excitement and she deserves it. Why you are so critical of her and her achievement? Why try to put down others, especially you are not a stem cell expert, or in my opinion, you are not an expert in modern molecular biology, as your research does not show that you are anything beyond average. I am also an average research, but I got excited by any advance of such magnitude and will not try to put down others role. We should learn from US educational system:
Encouragement, not discouragement. Your comments make me feel "Sour Grape". Because you cannot achieve it, you put down it? Is that it?
3. I still support your work, but I am not always agreeing to your ways. Please be rationally.



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