

送交者: 张文远辽 于 2005-9-02, 16:24:06:

回答: 转载:从全球化分析国家级纪念抗战的缺失 由 hrh 于 2005-9-02, 06:04:31:

May be because the 乡长 thought there might be something more important than just going there, saying something nobody would like to be listening to, and then going home with such thoughts: why did I do that, something wrong with me, or something wrong with my dear villagers… Don’t worry mate, people just don’t want to be gathering together then listen to you, they want do something on their own bloody selves, for example: "在北京一家日本餐馆门前扬起中国国旗". Because that is the experience that really counts.

Or maybe people think that there are events more important kicking off around them that they would rather participating, or are just worth them paying a little wee bit more attention to. For example: schools in the urban areas would normally start an inspiring brand new term on the date of the 1st of September. Pupils are sent to be sitting down at their seat in their classroom by their inspired parents who do not expect too much extra curriculum activity to be organised for their kids which would diffract their little ones attention.



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