malthus was never wrong


送交者: kma 于 2024-03-05, 10:03:47:

回答: 据说地球人类增长太快,饥饿问题越来越严重 由 silxirt 于 2024-03-04, 15:39:06:

21st century people are ever more demanding (and our descendants will only be even more and more) on both materials and spirits. any human being now deserves at least 80 years of decent life, that's huge burden on this planet, on every1. more likely, it will lead to at best huge dissatisfaction, worst wars, famine, and plague.

at 8 billion, we already are talking more and more about wars and anarchy, what about 9, 10 or even more? especially the msot people growth will come from places like somalia, yemen and haiti, not sweden, japan or new zealand. think about this scenario....

china's biggest mistake is relaxation on population control. middle class are not going to have more children, most will come from "low end", as i said above and before, people only focused on the (in)famous iron chained lady in xuzhou, but what about her 8 children, her eldest son already showed worrying signs to be just like his now jailed father.

every nation should be like japan, embracing aging as a preogress, inevitable, and try best to make best out of it, try to grow more chives to reverse? as i said beofre, that's futile, and ponzi scheme



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