key is to minimize tt influence


送交者: kma 于 2024-03-18, 12:36:30:

回答: 炸掉月球后果是什么?有人拿钱说该炸,有人拿钱说不该炸 由 silxirt 于 2024-03-18, 12:19:14:

this thing is more and more like a dilemma for US government. it's election year, biden needs young people.

biden already says he will sign the bill, so key is senate now.

and if it becomes law, it's unlikely ussc WILL INTERVENE. it says many times laws should be set by congress, it will respect congress decision.

china doesn't care much, everything indicates china wont allow the sale, unless zhang ym really cut off his ties with china, nothing indicates that.

no matter whether it will becomes law or not, it looks like politicians try to force young people to ditch tt to switch to other platforms, thats' going to be hard. human beings like to stick to old habits. i really didnt want to discard yahoo, it self destructs! tt is smarter.

i keep say US is now compete with china to go lower, ever wonder americans use vpn to scale internet wall, it might become true.



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