

送交者: 短江学者 于 2018-01-22, 22:38:03:

John Wheeler: Well, after I'd introduced the two I said "Professor Gödel, we'd like to know what the relation is between the great Heisenberg Principle of Uncertainty or Indeterminism; and your famous proof that every significant mathematical system contains theorems which cannot be proven, your theorem of Unprovable Propositions." Well, he didn't want to talk about that. It turned out that later that he had walked and talked enough with Einstein to dismiss quantum theory. He didn't believe quantum [theory

A year or so later I was at a cocktail party, half a dozen or so, and Gödel was there and I could ask him why he was unwilling to talk about the Uncertainty Principle, and I learned that he had walked and talked with Einstein enough to have been brainwashed out of any interest in quantum theory - to me a great tragedy because Gödel's insight might be the key thing. To me the quantum theory is the great mystery that we will someday unravel and understand "How come?" And the answer to that question will at the same time be the answer to the question "How come existence?" I can't believe that they are separate questions.



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