Car insurance vs. ealth insurance: What’s the difference?


送交者: silxirt 于 2017-01-16, 14:01:06:

Put your thoughts here, not right or wrong, just your opinion.

Here is mine:

Covering the policyholder vs. covering others

(CAR)Liability insurance protects other while (HC) patient protects themselves.
Nope, your health care insurance protects others, too. Because if you don't have it, government has to pay for it (and not let you die), and government money is from others.

Active vs. passive

You chose to buy a car so you have to buy insurance while you are just alive, no one ask for your opinion, why then force you to buy insurance?

While, you chose to live, right? Did anyone force you?

Constitutionally you cannot force people to do things?

Think again, you are constitutionally forced to do a lot of things.



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