FBI 2015年的统计还没有出来。斑竹用的是媒体的数据应该


送交者: whatistruth 于 2016-06-30, 10:53:27:

回答: 讲大规模枪击案,首先要把定义说清楚。 由 doublepar 于 2016-06-30, 10:20:51:


按bbc的数据,"A mass shooting is defined as a single shooting incident which kills or injures four or more people, including the assailant." 所以没有打死,打伤的也算。

我觉得一些媒体是有意或者无意的混淆 mass murder and mass shooting。 这个四人及以上,是从fbi 定义的 mass murder 人数来的。

A mass shooting is an incident involving multiple victims of gun violence.[1] The United States' Congressional Research Service acknowledges that there is not a broadly accepted definition, and defines a "public mass shooting"[2] as one in which four or more people selected indiscriminately, not including the perpetrator, are killed, echoing the FBI definition[3][4] of the term "mass murder". Another unofficial definition of a mass shooting is an event involving the shooting (not necessarily resulting in death) of 10 or more people with no cooling-off period.[5] Related terms include school shooting and massacre. The lack of a single definition can lead to alarmism in the news media, with some reports conflating categories of crimes.[6]


Generally, there are three terms you'll see to describe a perpetrator of this type of gun violence: mass murderer, spree killer, or serial killer. An FBI crime classification report from 2005 identifies an individual as a mass murderer if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location. (The baseline of four fatalities is key—more on that just below.)

我不同意的是把走火和自杀的和mass murder/ shooting 一起说事。这两类和汽车的交通事故引起的意外伤亡类似。





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