In statistics, 信不信 is never binary,


送交者: 008 于 2013-11-18, 19:36:52:

回答: 你这个是开玩笑呢?还是真的阴猫论? 由 whatistruth 于 2013-11-18, 11:22:48:

It might be true, but the chance that it is true too small to convince people to do anything about it.

Even Jesus could be real, however less and less people go to church regularly. If you do a poll, they all will say they believe in god. It is not what they say that matters, it is what they want to contribute that is important.

The result of a poll is determined by the way you ask the questions. If you ask do you believe in God, many people will say yes; if you ask do you want to sacrifice your first born, I would certainly say FXXk off.

Similarly, asking if you believe in Global warming you will get the result you wish. Because as FZZ insisted belief is cheap. Ask people do you want to sacrifice the job market for global warming, that's when you can hear the truth.



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