proper manner, in my view,


送交者: kma 于 2013-01-29, 09:35:14:

回答: 非常喜欢斑竹这几天的微博,亲切、随和 由 levinson 于 2013-01-29, 07:28:04:

should be harsh on celebrities, tender on nonames.

public figures should notice that they can't have it both ways. if they get compliments and fans, they should also expect tough attacks and enemies. only that would be fair.

for example, i don't think the two aussie DJs should eb blamed too much for the suicide tragedy of the british nurse who took care of princess kate. the real culprits should be mass media who hype excesively over kate, the british royal family, the hospital heads who surely put too much presure on the poor nurse.

celebrities must be prepared for nasty stuff.



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