看老中医掰手指头 害死人啦


送交者: TIDAn 于 2013-01-10, 11:30:44:

回答: 这么高级的《PNAS》然道听途说《Chinese Medicine》 由 TIDAn 于 2013-01-10, 11:19:02:

【蛋按:上贴于本帖同引于Chinese Medicine 2008, 3:13 】
During the 7-year study period, 78,644 patients were prescribed with AA-CHPs; most patients were females, or middle-aged, or both. A total of 526,867 prescriptions were made to use 1,218 licensed AA-CHPs. Over 85% of the AA-exposed patients took less than 60 g of AA-herbs; however, about 7% were exposed to a cumulated dose of over 100 g of Radix et Rhizoma Asari (Xixin), Caulis Akebiae (Mutong) or Fructus Aristolochiae (Madouling). Patients of respiratory and musculoskeletal diseases received most of the AA-CHP prescriptions. The most frequently prescribed AA-CHPs Shujing Huoxie Tang, Chuanqiong Chadiao San and Longdan Xiegan Tang, containing Radix Stephaniae Tetrandrae, Radix et Rhizoma Asari and Caulis Akebiae, respectively.

About one-third of people in Taiwan have been prescribed with AA-CHPs between 1997 and 2003. Although the cumulated doses were not large, further actions should be carried out to ensure the safe use of AA-CHPs.

wiki 说道:
This article is about the demographic features of the population in Taiwan, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.
The population in Taiwan was estimated in July 2012 at 23,268,087, spread across a total land area of 35,980 km2, making it the sixteenth most densely populated country in the world with a population density of 641 people per km2.



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