这么高级的《PNAS》然道听途说《Chinese Medicine》


送交者: TIDAn 于 2013-01-10, 11:19:02:

回答: PNAS的文章统计并比较了25年美国和台湾的尿道癌的发病率变化趋势 由 asasasa 于 2013-01-10, 03:52:17:

我说累计60g Mutong代表吃过AA不离谱嘛
This study demonstrated that more than one-third (39.3%) of the population in Taiwan were prescribed with AA-CHPs during the study period and that the cumulated doses of AA-CHPs for each patient may have exceeded 100 g (Table 3). Exposure to Xixin and Mutong was the most extensive. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the use of CHPs. Special attention should be drawn to prescriptions for patients suffering from respiratory and/or musculoskeletal diseases and to the herbal formulae with AA herbs (Table 4).

  • 看老中医掰手指头 害死人啦 - TIDAn (1748 bytes) 2013-01-10, 11:30:44 (699713)


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