about "首先CS领域journal的意义远不及conferenc"


送交者: ttt 于 2006-3-25, 18:20:12:

回答: 回5555 《也谈金海,LNCS及其它》 由 雨凡 于 2006-3-25, 16:16:12:

I think this statement is not right.

To journal papers are much more important and difficult than top conference papers. Perhaps the acceptance rate in some top conferences is lower than top journals. However the acceptance rate depends on the number of papers submitted to the conference. Generally the number of the papers submitted to the conference are huge and the number of the papers submitted to journal is not too huge because many authors are scared to submit their papers to top journals and most authors submit their papers to top journal paper when they think their papers have high quality. Thus it's not good to use acceptance rate to compare top conference papers and journal papers.

More over, the review processing of conference papers is not too strict. One persons perhaps review 10 papers for a conference in about 1 month, but it takes about 3 months for a person review a top journal paper.



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