

送交者: qlyus 于 2006-1-22, 13:46:58:

回答: 触目惊心的汉芯黑幕(一)ZZ 由 test11 于 2006-1-22, 02:58:43:

I studied picture 1&3. Both were published with the news of 2003. The chip picure-1 shows a 208-pin package. However, the chip on the eval/demo board in picture-3 looks like a 144-pin package (by comparing the size of the chip with the surrounding devices).

This post explained it.

They made a PQ-208 chip (still cost a lot of money). It did not work. They then bought Mot chips in 144 package, remarked and put them on eval/demo board.

This post also said they used 窃取的56800E CORE at the beginning. It is vey bad to chinese working for Motorola/Freescale.

Who is going to use this 208-pin or 144-pin DSP chip in MP3 player? Who ordered 1 millions as the news said. Do not tell me it is business secret. When you have a chip for sell, you need to publish the datasheet, development tool, App notes, etc. None so far.

It is hard to believe that Chen Jin, as a test engineer at Mot from 1997-2001, could progress in career ladder that fast in a company like Motorola. He claimed 先后在美国Motorola、Analog Device公司任高级主任工程师、芯片设计经理,主要从事高速无线通讯芯片和DSP核心电路的开发,担任多项重大SOC系统芯片的设计开发和项目负责人。由于二项有特殊价值的成果,于1999和2000连续两年获Motorola“杰出成就奖”奖。具有近十年在美国高校和著名半导体公司从事集成电路开发设计、生产和管理的直接经验。I do not believe it.

The time he went back China is 2001. Everybody here can tell what year it was.



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