If from an objective view, every civilization expended through


送交者: steven 于 2006-3-02, 14:53:02:

回答: 单从历史的角度客观分析,张文比袁文要强很多 由 葛观 于 2006-3-02, 08:02:56:

invasion and conquest. China is no better than any other country. Just because the being a victim of colonialism doesn't make China an exception. At the beginning of Qing Dynasty, it invaded mainland China and conqured it with force much more brutal than any "forigners." At its peak, Qing also invated Tibet and Dzungars for their land and submission. Why isn't that "掠夺与杀人的肮脏事迹"? Long before Christianity, powerful countries had invaded and conquered lands. Alexanders the Great, Roman Empire, Qin and Han they all had done that. That is part of human nature.

There are many different aspects of history, surely the conquering China was the main driving force for western powers entering China. However, it doesn't that mean every westerners and every western things were for that purpose. It also doesn't mean that boxers were heros who stopped colonialism. As I pointed out, Japan were forced to open up its door less than 50 yrs piror to the Boxer Rebellion, yet Japan didn't suffer anything like China did. Not only that, Japan had successfully transformed itself to a morden nation in such a short time. The question people should ask themselves is "whether boxers mantality does anything good to China."



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