"众所周知?" 不过是无知罢了。


送交者: steven 于 2007-01-20, 02:09:01:

回答: 风云一号气象卫星-背景资料 由 阳明 于 2007-01-19, 23:43:39:

阳明 说道:

显然,敏感的读者一定会想到,如果美国空军Space-Track网上的、有关风云一号 C星“突然变轨”的信息完全真实;如果美国《航空周刊》所说的“动能攻击”完全属实,当然了;特别是,如果中国在这一极其敏感的时间里,的确进行了一次反卫星武器试验的消息完全属实,那么,我们在有理由祝贺中国“传说中”的中国反卫星系统“非常成功”的同时,还有理由“猜测”:中国成功展示了一种比仍处于试验阶段的美国导弹防御系统“还要先进”的“导弹拦截能力”:显然,它既然可以“撞”下在800多公里太空高速飞行的、中途进行了变轨的卫星,自然“极有可能”撞下“再入大气层”之前的,在低太空飞行的洲际导弹、不论目标标的有无变轨能力。

Obviously, this person knows nothing astronautics, and significantly weak in common logic. I can imagine why some people especially chinese 愤青 act like getting orgasm just mention the word 变轨. They made 变轨 sounded like some mythical technology.

10 years ago, when I set in the satellite control room, supporting orbit transfer for 5 satellites, and it wasn't that mythical. ICBM don't need this so call orbit transfer. I remember someone mentioned that ICBM or Space Vehicle had been using vector thrusting. That is bs. SVs change orbits by simply making its thrust burn, which changes the kinetic energy of SVs into potential energy, the orbits. SVs don't fly like aircrafts, their maneuver relies less on aerodynamics like aircrafts. All turning requires centripital force. Aircrafts turns rely on the turning the combined forces of gravity and lift, which comes from the interaction between airfoils and air. However, there is no air in the orbit, the only centripetal force acts on LEO SVs is the gravitational force, which means the SVs cannot turn like aircraft. The orbit changes mostly is changing the altitudes. That means for ICBMs, they have to change yet another time, otherwise, they will miss the reentry points, and won't be able to reach the target. Besides, ICBMs can be well tracked by radar, and gives the ABM enough lock on it, since chaning orbits actually slows down the linear vilocity of the ICBMs. Also, if your ICBMs can change orbits, so can the interceptors. Currently the NMD C1 phase is to use 100 interceptors to counter 10 warheads.

Anyway, it will be waste of my time to teach this guy about astronautics, the bottom-line is a ICBM doesn't need to change orbits, it only slows it down. ICBM counters ABM by using decoys and that is it.



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