基督教 &中国的发展进步


送交者: sidasun 于 2007-01-18, 11:22:52:

回答: 终于找到中国实现民主捷径!!! 由 shijiliren 于 2007-01-18, 06:41:40:

The fact is that all developed 国家 are Christendom ( most of people call themselves Christians at least), except

People in this forum may say that the history of these developed countries is that of fighting with Christianity. OK, let's assume that you are right. But, the situation was that the Christianity once governed these countries so that there was a target for people to fight with, which results in the development of those countries. Therefore,
the existence of Christianity played a decisive role when they developed.

However, there has been no religion governed China(
not serve a governer). Therefore, the way for China to develop is either to explore their own way or follow the western way. If Chinese take the latter, they have to first build Christendom. (The third way is to follow Japan but need to make an empire first)



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