宙斯盾系统 has the full capability to deal with overloaded missile attack


送交者: 炎阳 于 2006-2-14, 14:15:26:

回答: Carrier is actually fairly vulnerable to missile strikes. 由 PhonyDoctorPhD 于 2006-2-14, 13:51:20:

Remember the 宙斯盾系统 awards the CVT the capability to launch interception from the ships other than the CVT. The 宙斯盾系统 integrates C4I, attacking weapons and defense units of whole fleet into one combat system, which can handle the missile attack efficiently and effectively.

Of course if the hostile aircraft can launch anti-ship missile in a very short distance, it'll give the CVT very limit time to response and defend. But the question is how much the chance is for an enemy plane to get within the range it needs to threaten the CVT? which means it has to penetrate the defending shields consist of CVT-carried jet fighters, interception missiles launched by cruisers and destroyers that safeguarding the CVT, and, finally the high intense and powerful protecting weapon system on CVT itself.

As for target intentification, the 宙斯盾系统 has the full ability to distinguish friendly and hostile tracks, even among thousands of targets in a very short period of time. I don't think using mass of airplane to launch an overloaded missile attack is an efficient way against CVT, even though those planes dare to serve as suiside bombs. It simply doesn't work out.



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