More detailed info. not conclusive yet.Curcumin(姜黄)


送交者: antilier 于 2006-11-04, 23:54:55:

回答: 研究显示,饮食含有咖哩可以增强脑部抗老化的能力 (ZT) 由 Latino2 于 2006-11-04, 21:38:31:

A review of antioxidants and Alzheimer's disease.
Frank B, Gupta S.
Department of Psychiatry, University of Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Buffalo, NY, USA.
Ann Clin Psychiatry. 2005 Oct-Dec;17(4):269-86.

BACKGROUND: In this article, we review a diverse body of research and draw conclusions about the usefulness, or lack there-of, of specific antioxidants in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease (AD). METHODS: The National Library of Medicine's database was searched for the years 1996-2004 using the search terms "Alzheimer's, anti-oxidants, antioxidants." RESULTS: Over 300 articles were identified and 187 articles were selected for inclusion based on relevance to the topic. Agents that show promise in helping prevent AD include: 1) aged garlic extract, 2) curcumin, 3) melatonin, 4) resveratrol, 5) Ginkgo biloba extract, 6) green tea, 7) vitamin C and 8) vitamin E. CONCLUSIONS: While the clinical value of antioxidants for the prevention of AD is often ambiguous, some can be recommended based upon: 1) epidemiological evidence, 2) known benefits for prevention of other maladies, and 3) benign nature of the substance. Long-term, prospective studies are recommended.



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