连接中都是些正规医生的论文和报告? DO NOT think so


送交者: yuffie 于 2006-10-29, 05:58:46:

回答: 应方先生与其拥趸的要求给出大剂量维生素C用于治疗疾病的连接 由 齐格 于 2006-10-29, 04:52:15:

Without large scale clinical trials, this sort of study means very little. There are many trials on VC or other anti-oxidants, and most of them found VC has very little or no effects, or have some positive effects on high risk sub-groups.
For review article:

[he used massive doses of vitamin c for over forty years of family practice. he wrote two dozen medical papers on the subject. (1) it is difficult to ignore his success, but it has been done. dr. klenner wrote: "some physicians would stand by and see their patient die rather than use ascorbic acid (vitamin c) because in their finite minds it exists only as a vitamin." ]
This is almost laughable. This so-called doctor only published 2 papers (pubmed search), and sounded very much like the "doctor" who sells books on "south beach diet". "但是并不是像方先生说得那样,似乎鼓吹维生素就是江湖骗子." This guy is 骗子, maybe not 江湖骗子 but defenitely a 骗子.



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