Don't think that therapies are necessarily based on theories ...


送交者: bug 于 2006-10-24, 11:08:30:

回答: the logic 由 viffer 于 2006-10-24, 08:37:48:

Don't think that therapies are necessarily based on theories & thus being inseparable ...

In a lot of cases the 中药 was discovered before the 中医 tried to theorize their effects; with or without such theories, those 中药 can still relief certain symptoms or cure certain diseases.

Somebody discovered that 青蒿汁 can cure 疟疾 but did they have any theory preceding such discovery? I don't think so.

中医 models the mechanism of sickness & health with the Yin & Yang theory and if the logical following of such theory would lead to the discovery of effective new therapies or the refinement of existing ones, while prohibiting the use of wrong remedies, then there's something which we should respect about such theory. Without that, patching up a model everytime after some facts are discovered is only being 事后诸葛亮.

Do you believe that the Yin & Yang model is a good theory & if so, why? Would you think that it can be modernized without revoltionizing the whole theory?



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