the logic


送交者: viffer 于 2006-10-24, 08:37:48:

回答: What's you view on traditional 中医's attempt to theorize the efficacy of 中药? 由 bug 于 2006-10-24, 08:06:20:

Any therapy or practice is based on a theory. As what the suggested artical on the website of Medical Centre of University of Maryland decribes 'Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a complete medical system that has been used to diagnose, treat, and prevent illnesses for more than 2,000 years', we can not seperate therapy or practice from the TCM theory. What we should do, however, is to examine if we can improve such a theory to a modern one, to a more reliable and more testable one; to study the very medical mechanism behind such system; to refine those therapies by modern technology.



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