丘成桐回应New Yorker?


送交者: Yush 于 2006-08-23, 23:47:11:

John Kohn教授对New Yorker引用他的话的解释
送交者: 田谎言 2006年8月23日20:40:06 于 [教育与学术]http://www.bbsland.com
> Dear Yau,
> I learned from Andreea that you were very hurt by my remarks quoted in
> the New Yorker. I did not mean to hurt you. You are universally
> recognized as one of the foremost mathematicians of our times, which
> explains my first remark. I know how deeply you care about Chinese
> mathematics and therefore I assume that you would like to be as
> effective as possible in your leadership of the Chinese mathematical
> community - and this explains my second remark.
> Best regards,
> Joe

送交者: 田谎言 2006年8月23日20:47:22 于 [教育与学术]http://www.bbsland.com

MIchigan大学讲座教授Smoller教授给New Yorker的信:

Nasar,你的信息是哪里来的?为什么不找其他数学家验证一下?你的行为使我想到纽约时报Jason Blair的丑闻,我为你感到羞耻.

〉Dear Ms Nasar:

> First let me say that I have been a subscriber to The New Yorker
> since the 1960's; I love the magazine, and read nearly all the
> articles every week.
>I am also a co-author of Yau's,?and since 1991, and we have
> written 18 joint papers.?Of course, not all of them are major
> breakthroughs, but at least 2 of them can be so designated: our 2000
> paper which appeared in Nuclear Physics B, and our 2006 paper which
> just appeared in the prestigious journal "Communications in
> Mathematical Physics".?It is extremely rare for mathematicians to get
> a paper published in a journal devoted to nuclear physics, and our
> 2006 paper solves a problem dealing with stability of Black-Holes,
> first elucidated by the Princeton physicist John Wheeler in 1957.?
> These papers ALONE demolish your statement that Yau has had no major
> results in the last 10 years.?How could you have made such a
> statement??Where did you get your inxxxxation? Didn't you feel a
> responsibility to check your facts with other mathematicians??Your
> behavior reminds me of the Jason Blair scandal at the New York Times.?
> Shame on You!
> Sincerely yours,
> Joel?
> Best regards,
> Joel

关于镜对称公式与New Yorker的谎言
送交者: 田谎言 2006年8月23日20:51:13 于 [教育与学术]http://www.bbsland.com

关于Candelas镜对称公式与New Yorker的谎言

Givental的文章中存在明显的漏洞,著名俄国数学家Manin在文章“Frobenius manifolds, quantum cohomology and moduli spaces(Chapt I,II, III)”的第15页中写道:“Some work remains to be done in order to complete his (Givental's) arguments.”(我们还需要更多工作来弥补Givental的论证。)

该领域的一位著名数学家也写道:“Givental’s paper is obscure, misleading, and generally criminally written. It certainly does not meet the usual standards of proof. I essentially had to prove all of his Propositions for myself to believe them since his proofs are ridiculous.”(Givental的文章晦涩,令人费解,写得实在糟糕。算不上是合格的证明。我甚至不得不自己把所有命题都重新证了一遍,因为他的证明实在荒谬。)

A. Todorov的文章“Quantum Background Independence and Witten Geometric Quantization of the Moduli of CY Threefolds.”的第4页中也提到“Recently B. Lian, K. Liu and Yau gave a rigorous mathematical proof of the Candelas xxxxula”(最近,连文豪,刘克峰,丘成桐给出了Candelas公式的严格的数学证明)

A. Gathmann在《数学评论》上这样评论Lian-Liu-Yau的文章:“He [givental] derived the original hypergeometric series for the n_d conjectured by Candelas et al; however, his proof was hard to understand and at some points incomplete. The current paper of Lian, Liu, and Yau now gives the first complete rigorous proof of the physicists’ xxxxula for the numbers n_d.”(Givental推导了Candelas公式的超几何级数,他的证明,可是他的证明晦涩难懂,有些地方还不完全。现在Lian-Liu-Yau的这篇文章给出了Candelas公式的第一个完整的严格证明。)

Brian Greene在畅销科普书“Elegant Universe”中也提到是Lian-Liu-Yau最早给出Candelas公式的完全证明。

New Yorker关于ICM2002的谎言!
送交者: 田谎言 2006年8月23日20:58:28 于 [教育与学术]http://www.bbsland.com

New Yorker关于ICM2002的谎言!

是谁在妖魔化丘成桐和中国数学家? 有些自大的美国人只认同对他们低三下四的像田刚之类的汉奸!

To show you hard evidence on how absurd the paragraph about Yau against ICM2002 in the Nasar-Gruber article,I would like to show you the following ICM 2002 links:

1. This is the link for the satellite conferences of ICM 2002, Number 46 in the list is the String theory satellite conference Yau and Liu organized in Hangzhou as a support to ICM 2002:


46 弦理论 杭州 2002,8,12~15 浙江大学

2. This is a link about the ICM news conference held in Aug 9, 2002, in which all of the members of the Organizing committee including K.C. Chang, and Lo Yang attended. They explicitly mentioned that Hawking was coming for the Satellite conference of ICM, and he was invited to give a public lecture for ICM2002.



3. This is the link about events of ICM2002, one sentence says that in 1993 during their meeting with President Zemin Jiang S.-S. Chern and famous mathematician S.-T. Yau proposed to hold one ICM in China in late 20th or early 21st century. Just because of their proposal, the Chinese Math Association and the central government supported the application to organize one ICM in China.


1993年,著名美籍华人数学家陈省身和丘成桐在接受江泽民总书记接见时,就提出 了争取在20世纪末或21世纪初在中国举办一次国际数学家大会的建议。正是由于他们的建议,中国数学会 在中央领导和有关部门的支持下提出了主办国际数学家大会的申请。



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