千里马常有, 而伯乐不常有


送交者: BerkeleyWolf 于 2006-08-17, 23:26:26:

回答: 你应该向北大提出该怎么做,不只是否定 由 cnflag 于 2006-08-17, 23:15:00:

你能告诉我, 千里马为什莫一定要去北大吗? 买了一群死马却当活马来骗取钱财, 是伯乐的所为吗?

你读一读纳什的自传, 就明白他为什莫是特例:
"This is not entirely a matter of joy as if someone returned from physical disability to good physical health. One aspect of this is that rationality of thought imposes a limit on a person's concept of his relation to the cosmos. For example, a non-Zoroastrian could think of Zarathustra as simply a madman who led millions of naive followers to adopt a cult of ritual fire worship. But without his "madness" Zarathustra would necessarily have been only another of the millions or billions of human individuals who have lived and then been forgotten. ...."



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